3. Developer Console

The Developer Console is the home page of template management. All changes made within the DC will automatically reflect in the Generator Console. This allows for an abstraction layer between template developers and configuration consumers if required by a business.

We'll now take a look at the home page of the Developer Console.

3.1 Launching the DC

Navigating to the DC within the application is trivial. To do so, simply click on the "Developer Console" link in the application header.

3.2 Observing Templates

The main content area of the Developer Console displays the Template Table. From here, a user can read and filter through template data. A user may also create and import templates by selecting the corresponding option in the upper left corner of the table.

3.3 Interacting with Templates

Underneath the Action column of the Template Table, a user can select the drop-down icon to interact with a specific template. Five choices will appear.

  1. View - This option will direct a user to the Template Editor page in a read-only mode.
  2. Edit - This option will direct a user to the Template Editor page in a read-write mode.
  3. Clone - This option will duplicate an existing template. Once duplicated, the user can go on to edit the new template. This option is useful when users wish to create multiple of high similarity.
  4. Export - This option will download a template as a JSON file to the user's computer. This option is useful for backing up templates for offline storage or for sharing templates across multiple UCG instances. The exported template may subsequently be loaded into any UCG instance using the Import Template utility.
  5. Delete - This option will delete a template following confirmation from the user.

3.4 Editing the Template Tree

When a user clicks on Template Tree within the navigation header, they will notice the Edit Template Tree button. This is used for modifying the organization of templates into a logical hierarchy. Upon selection, a modal will appear allowing users to drag and drop templates into any structure of their liking. They may add and remove new folders as they please.


The Template Tree supports multi-level nesting. A user can have as many levels of depth in the tree as they require.

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