Ultra Config Generator is built on top of a REST API to enable automation.

6.1 Creating a Token

To automate the generation of network configuration, users will first need to create an access token.

To do so, send a POST request to the "tokens" endpoint.


An authorization header using Basic Authentication will also be required.

Authorization: Basic <BASE64_CREDENTIALS>

If correct credentials are provided, the server will return a response including the new token.

"id": "5e576d3321a01232b025498f",
"userId": "5e576d3321a01232b025494e",
"dateCreated": 1582787891513

Future API calls will then use the token in the authorization header.

Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

6.2 Sample Request

For this example, let's generate configuration for a Cisco router with a single requirement:

A layer 3 interface on the physical port "GigabitEthernet0/0/0" with an IP address of and a prefix length of 30

To achieve this task, we'll need to create a template for a layer 3 interface. The template may be created using the Template Editor or programmatically with the API.

Once created, we may proceed to construct an API request with a JSON body as shown below.

"reference": "ec25afde-986b-4c13-8585-b97433a488a9",
"inputData": [
"templateId": "5b794b468b48020c3135703c",
"templateInputs": [
"inputValue": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0"
"inputId": "IP_ADDRESS",
"inputValue": ""
"inputId": "SUBNET_MASK",
"inputValue": ""

At the top level, we have a reference string and an input data array.

The reference is an optional string that will be linked to the generated configuration. It can be used as a description, an ID or any other piece of data that may assist record-keeping purposes.

The input data array is used for instantiating templates. Each object within the array contains a "templateId" and a "templateInputs" array.

The "templateId" is a unique reference to a template. It may be obtained from the Developer Console or programmatically with the API.

The "templateInputs" array contains the key-value pairs of input variables used by the template. If an input variable belonging to a template is omitted the default value of that variable will be used.

To invoke the relevant API, make a POST request to the endpoint below.


6.3 Sample Response

When invoked correctly, the generated configuration will be returned.

"id": "5c14b57a377e6d123c543ff1",
"reference": "ec25afde-986b-4c13-8585-b97433a488a9",
"createdBy": "Mel Dawson",
"dateCreated": 1587192054342,
"data": [
"configuration": "interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0\r\n ip address\r\n exit\r\n",
"templateMetadata": {
"templateId": "5b794b468b48020c3135703c",
"templateDisplayName": "Layer 3 Interface",
"templateDescription": "Layer 3 Interface template for Cisco routers",
"templateVersion": 20,
"templateUpdatedBy": "mel.dawson",
"dateModified": 1564118172886,
"dateCreated": 1539919220503
"templateInputs": [
"inputValue": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0"
"inputId": "IP_ADDRESS",
"inputValue": ""
"inputId": "SUBNET_MASK",
"inputValue": ""

The response includes an array of instantiated templates. The number of elements inside the array will match that of the request.

Inside each element, several fields are returned. The most important field is the "configuration". This key contains the configuration generated by the POST request.

Configuration spanning over multiple lines uses the standard delimiter of "\r\n".

That is all! The client may now proceed to parse the response body and push the configuration to network infrastructure.

For more information on our REST API, please consult the API Reference or ask us a question.

6.4 API Reference

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